Online Timekeeping on
your smartphone

Online timekeeping and human resources management solution for your business and organization

App chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt được sử dụng rộng rãi trong doanh nghiệp_2
App chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt được sử dụng rộng rãi trong doanh nghiệp_2

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Easy management with AiKAO

AiKAO is a quick and convenient timekeeping and attendance management software via personal phone.

Timekeeping management

Manage payroll and work days

Manage timekeeping locations

App chấm công với công nghệ nhận diện khuôn mặt AiKAO với giao diện trực quan

Leave management

Managing overtime shifts

Synthesize and extract data

Timekeeping management

Manage payroll and work days

Manage timekeeping locations

Leave management

Managing overtime shifts

Synthesize and extract data

Tổng hợp và trích xuất dữ liêu trên app chấm công
star1  AiKAO star2 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star3  AiKAO star4 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star5  AiKAO star6 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star7  AiKAO star8 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star9  AiKAO star10 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star11  AiKAO star12 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star113  AiKAO star14 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star15  AiKAO star16 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star17  AiKAO star18 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star19  AiKAO star20 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star21  AiKAO star22 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star23  AiKAO star24 Face recognition timekeeping application using AI technology star25  

Superior features

With the desire to become an effective assistant in managing workdays and human resources, AiKAO brings superior and useful features, chosen by many businesses for the digital transformation process.

Register to a trial

Accurate facial recognition
with technology

  • Timekeeping is performed easily with just 2 steps: Open the app on your personal mobile and scan your face.

  • Using advanced AI technology, AiKAO can accurately recognize the user's face in just a few seconds.

  • Employees can proactively track their workdays, working hours, and the time they come in late and leave early directly on the software.

Thao tác chấm công đơn giản

Register and manage overtime
and leave hours

  • Employees create applications for overtime, leave applications... by filling out information in the form available right on the software.

  • Manage receipts and approval of applications quickly anytime, anywhere.

  • The system will notify and display the status of the application after it is approved or rejected by the manager.

  • Automatically update actual working time according to approved applications.

Hệ thống chấm công được quản lý trực tuyến

Manage employees' actual
timekeeping locations

  • Managers can set: time, GPS location with radius or wifi IP to ensure employees comply with regulations.

  • Seize and manage the employee's time and work location right after the employee undertakes timekeeping.

  • Easily manage staff working in the field without having to be present, all information will be displayed and notified on the software to the manager.

Quản lý công số dễ dàng

Online management system
for each business

  • Customers will be provided with a separate administration page, accounting and administrative support, time- saving data processing.

  • Data management and extraction are easily undertaken because the system is directly linked to the software.

  • You can directly set working time, location, and work location for each group of employees.

Hệ thống quản lý trực tuyến

User support utilities

xem bảng công trên điện thoại

Support viewing personal
timesheets on mobile

nhắc nhở và cảnh báo trực tiếp trên app

Receive automatic notifications,
reminders, and timekeeping warnings

trích xuất dữ liệu

Export Excel worksheet
files individually

tìm lọc thông tin dễ dàng

Search timesheet
by employee's name


with 2 versions that meet all demands of enterprises

Register to a trial
App chấm công phù hợp với đa số các thiết bị di động
Version used for


  • No requiring devices, the application will be directly set up onto employee's mobile.

  • Flexible location, suitable for businesses with employees working in the field.

  • High level of personalization, employees can directly track work days, applications, and notifications on the software.

Phiên bản chấm công cố định tại văn phòng
Version used for


  • Invest a single device (smartphone) fixed in the office, shared by all employees.

  • Fixed location, no need to set location, employees don't have to come to the office for timekeeping

  • Online data is flexibly updated and easily checked . Solution to save time and effort of the human resources/accounting department.

AiKAO is suitable for most types
of businesses

Giao diện app chấm công AiKAO dễ dàng cho người sử dụng

Administrative offices


Coffee shops



State agencies

What do you get when using

Register to a trial

Free Trial

Free trial and 1 to 3 months free for customers who buy a 1 year package or more.

app chấm công miễn phí

Optimize cost

Using AiKAO helps your business reduce investment and equipment repair costs.

apps chấm công giúp tối ưu hóa chi phí

Modern simplicity

AiKAO is built on the motto of simplifying and modernizing the human resources management system.

Sử dụng app chấm công một cách đơn giản và hiệu quả

Free Consultation

Our team is always ready to provide free consultation to automate your business.

Tư vấn trực tiếp các ngày trong tuần
Aikao giúp chuyển đổi số doanh nghiệp của bạn
giao diện trên iphone Giao diện trực quan và dễ sử dụng Aikao giúp chuyển đổi số doanh nghiệp của bạn Phù hợp với mọi loại hình doanh nghiệp
giao diện trên iphone Aikao giúp chuyển đổi số doanh nghiệp của bạn Phù hợp với mọi loại hình doanh nghiệp Giao diện trực quan và dễ sử dụng

Customers talk about us

Mrs Hien Nguyen

Director of Bao Lam Interior Design and Architecture Litmited Company

công ty Bảo lâm sử dụng app chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt

“The specifics of our company are interior construction and installation staff all over the country, including island districts outside of Phu Quoc and Kien Giang...previously, accountants had to calculate salaries based on excel files summarizing labor hours worked by employees. The employee notes it himself. But since switching to AiKAO, we can grasp the locations of all construction employees anytime, anywhere, controlling projects and working locations more accurately."

Mr Toan Nguyen

Adminstrative office, Phu Dong Dairy JSC

công sửa phù đổng sử dụng app chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt

“The software works stably and the cost of use assumingly is very reasonable, even cheap compared to the total benefits it brings back. My store currently has 3 branches, but the accountant only sits in 1 position in the office and could be able to control work hours + positions of all employees, all applications + notifications are processed quickly online. The software is very useful for businesses with many branches like my company!

Mr Trong Duong

CEO of Kingplaza Group

Tập đoàn King plaza sử dụng app chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt

“By fixing and thoroughly resolving the shortcomings of fingerprint timekeeping machines in human resource management, AiKAO mobile timekeeping software helps my business cut 30% of human resources management costs while still maintaining maximum performance”

Mr Sinh Ngoc

Director of Ngon Everday Restaurant

Nhà hàng Ngon sử dụng app chấm công nhận diện khuôn mặt

“Ngon Every Day has applied AiKAO to all of its more than 100 staffs across all provinces and branches. Currently, we can export timesheets and calculate salaries quickly in just 1 day thanks to the automatic AiKAO system. Lateness reports remind employees to be more diligent, control positions and eliminate fraud to ensure satisfaction. honesty and transparency for everyone.”

Contact us for consultancy
and a trial!

7th floor, Ocean Park Building,
No. 1 Dao Duy Anh Street, Phuong Mai Ward,
Dong Da District, Hanoi City

Tel: (+84) 24 3640 0592

Hotline: (+84) 325.166.168

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zalo app chấm công AiKAO